Annual Meeting SFBMEc 2023

The aim of the Société Française de Biologie de la Matrice Extracellulaire (SFBMEc) is to promote exchanges between researchers, to help scientific and medical research and to contribute to the training of researchers in the field of the extracellular matrix.

The SFBMEc will organize its XXVIIIth national meeting, 16-17 November, 2023 in Strasbourg.

Various aspect of the extracellular matrix dynamics and function in physiological and pathological situation will be discussed during the meeting. A session will be entirely dedicated to its role in cancer development and therapy resistance. The program includes 5 plenary lectures given by internationally renowned speakers from Switzerland (Zurich) and France (Universities of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Nice, Paris-Créteil). Each session will be completed by short oral communications and poster presentations. Through the topics addressed during this congress, the SFBMEc whishes to strengthen exchanges from basic research to translational and industrial applications.

Congress venue

Collège Doctoral Européen

46 boulevard de la Victoire
67000 Strasbourg


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April 1st, 2023 : registration opens

May 2th, 2023 : abstract submission 

September 30th, 2023 : 

  • Earlybird fees deadline

Extended abstract submission deadline: October 15

November 1st, 2023 : registration deadline

Organizing scientific committee

Strasbourg :

  • Maxime Lehmann
  • Catherine Léon
  • Pierre Mangin
  • Anita Michel-Eckly
  • Inès Guinard

Reims :

  • Stéphane Brézillon
  • Pascal Maurice

SFBMEc Avenir :

Emily Janus-Bell (Post-doc)

Claire Masson (PhD candidate)

Héloise Merrick (PhD candidate)

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